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Mission Statement:
To promote the safety and accessibility of bicycle commuting in Red Deer, Alberta
and surrounding areas.
Watch the video starting at 14:40 HERE

President: John Johnston
I am a retired teacher and school administrator who has always enjoyed cycling and cycle touring. After retirement, I did my first big and longest bicycle tour of my life. I rode from Red Deer to the Atlantic coast and then south all the way to Panama. I followed that up with a tour from Hanoi to Saigon, several long tours throughout Europe, and a tour around Israel. My last big ride was from New Delhi to Mumbai. I have also been keen on bicycle advocacy and was one of the founders of the RDABC. I would love to see an improved bicycle infrastructure for the City of Red Deer.

Our Vice-President, Ken Williamson, is a retired Farm Water Specialist from Alberta Agriculture.
He has been an avid cyclist for many years and has enjoyed cycling from Banff to Jasper several times, as well as the Kettle Valley Railroad (before the fires) and the Cowboy Trail (Highway 22). Ken has also been heavily involved with the Optimist Club of Red Deer ”Bikes for Kids” program which has given out well over a 1000 refurbished bikes over the last 10 years.

Treasurer: Pearl Franz
I can proudly say I've been biking since I was 6 years old. Now in my 6th decade I enjoy leisurely commutes and outings. Never give it up! I'm aspiring to ride as long as I can! Getting outdoors is great for my health and spirit...

Secretary: Greg Neiman
Greg Neiman is a retired former editor of the Red Deer Advocate, who took up cycling to work to prepare for some epic bike trips: the Alaska Highway, tours of Germany, France, Austria, Hungary and the Czech Republic, as well as Newfoundland and parts of the Kettle Valley rail pathway, experiencing the historical sites, beauty and culture of these places the best way — by bike, on separated lanes and paths. As a volunteer with the Optimist Bikes for Kids program, I repair donated bikes to give to anyone who needs a bike. I also volunteer with the Central Alberta Regional Trails Society, working with municipal leaders and volunteers to connect all of Central Alberta into a world-class network of commuter and recreational trails.
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