Mission Statement:
To promote the safety and accessibility of bicycle commuting in Red Deer, Alberta
and surrounding areas.
Watch the video starting at 14:40 HERE
Click on the titles & underlined info for more info! Check here regularly for frequent updates!
2024 Events​​
October 1, Tuesday 9am till Noon - Senior's Information Fair - Free event
Cycling Without Age Fundraiser September 25th at the Pidherney Centre 6:30-8pm
Speaking about Mt. Everest!
Fancy Women Bike Ride Tweed & Tassel Tour - Sunday, September 22 at 12pm starting at the Collicutt.
Fancy Women Bike Ride - Swifties on Wheels. - Sunday, August 18th from 12-2pm starting at the Collicutt. Come for the ice cream!
June 9th 10am-2pm Fancy Women Bike Ride - with the RDPL. Met at the Collicutt Community Centre at 10am. It was a great time!
​June 4-9th Vélo Canada Pedal Poll - Thank you to our dedicated volunteers!
June 3rd -World Bike Day​​
March 23 from 10-5pm EcoLiving Fair. RDABC's Bike Repair Café will be on site as well. Door Prizes & Freebies! A BIG thankyou to our Volunteers!
2023 Events
October 19th Join us at 7-8pm for our AGM being held at the Dawe Library.
First Fridays of the month -Cap Cruise with Wheelers Bicycle Repair!
7pm - 9pm at Canada 150 Square
Join Nathan in Capstone for free monthly bike cruises across Red Deer's Waskasoo Park trail system. All are welcome, whatever your skill level - fun comes first! All you need is your bike gear and water bottle (helmets are required if under 18). The bike cruise will last approximately 1.5 hours with post-ride thirst quenching at Troubled Monk immediately following! -
June 4-10 Commuter Challenge City of Red Deer Coordinator is Danielle Carpenter. Email her if you have any further questions.
June 1-30 ParticipACTION Community Better Challenge Grand Prize to the City who wins of $10,000!
June 2-10th Pedal Poll 2023! Thank you to our volunteers who came out to count!
May 13, 2023 Myeloma Canada Ride. Register HERE
April 22, 2023 Cycle for Central AB - 8am to 8pm at The Golden Circle! Come cheer us on! Find out about Heather Lawrence's story. Sponsor our riders - go HERE
April 1-30 Register for 30 Days of Biking Here
2022 Events​
October 2 Garlic City Market
Thank you to everyone who visited us and became members!
We have Garlic City Market coming back now on Sunday, October 2 at the Common Ground Garden site just a block west of Troubled Monk Brewery from 11am to 5pm ish (weather permitting).
Go HERE to check out all the fun!
With a focus on bike repair and prepping for winter cycling
Because parking is limited in Capstone, we're trying to promote bus, cycling, walking, etc. to the site instead of driving. We could also build some pallet wood bike racks to encourage more cycling in the months ahead.
October 3-14
September 29
AGM 7pm at the Dawe Library 56 Holt St. Red Deer
​July 27
RED DEER, AB!​ $100,000 to go toward local physical activity and sport initiatives.
June 7-12
Thank you to all our Volunteers!
As you know, Vélo Canada Bikes' big Bike Month activity is Pedal Poll/Sondo Vélo, which took place June 7th - 12th. During that week there were hundreds of volunteers out counting cyclists, getting their data included in our national data set. While VCB is taking the next couple of months to put all the collected data together, here are a few numbers on Pedal Poll/Sondo Vélo 2022
- Over 900 Volunteers
- 72 Communities
- 30 Focus Communities
- Over 1,500 hrs of volunteers counting
Thank you to everyone who participated, promoted, and supported PPSV2022!
June 8
Clean Air Day
Go to City of Red Deer HERE to see what it's all about
Watch this video starting at 14:40 for RDABC's promotion for Clean Air.
We were promoting it at Kerry Wood Nature Centre that day.
June 5-11
Go HERE for Red Deer's
April 1-April 30
For the fun of it, join people from around the world who will cycle any distance every day for the month of April!​
2021 Events
October 21, 2021
Annual General Mtg. via Zoom
July & August
RDABC had received a City of Red Deer grant for our application to host 3 Community Bike Fairs and up to 8 Community Conversations! We partnered with the City Parks and Rec department. These folks held week-long neighbourhood engagement activities.
Thank you to everyone who participated and shared ideas with us. A summary will be coming of this grant project.
We hosted 3 Community Bike Fairs & did 8 Community Conversations!
1. July 8 - West Park AC,
3811 57 Avenue
2. July 15 - Oriole Park AC,
5 Ogden Ave
3. July 22 - Aspen Heights School, 5869 69 St Dr
4. July 29 - Clearview Meadows AC, 93 Cornett Drive
5. August 5 - Grandview AC,
4510 41 Avenue
6. August 12 - Fairview School,
5901 55 St
7. August 19 - Eastview Estates,
120 Ellenwood Dr
8. August 26 - Elizabeth Seton School, 35 Addinell Ave
Bike Fairs were on the dates below
with Door Prizes, a Draw & Refreshments
1. July 24th 2-4pm Kentwood Alliance Church
2. July 29th 4:00-6:00 pm
Clearview Meadows
3. August 12th 4:00-6:00 pm Riverside Meadows
June 1-30
The ParticipACTION Challenge. Top prize of $10,000 went to North Grenville for their city! Go HERE to see the results for each province
June 1-30
June 1-6
April 1-30
February 11 & 12
February 12​
2020 Events​
Cycling thru COVID-19 Photo Contest
30 Days of Biking​
2019 Events
October 26, 2019 Renewable Energy Fair by ReThink at Red Deer College. We represented the bicycle as green transportation. Also had an electric bicycle to try out from Wipe-Out Ski & Bike!
August 11, 2019 Cyclovia Red Deer returned 10 a.m.-2 p.m.! Downtown Red Deer!​​​ What a great time we had! See the photos HERE!
Money raised went to support Central AB Mental Health Association & Central AB Brain Injury Society.
August 9th Cycle Tourism Around the World, come hear our guest speakers! 6pm-8pm Snell Auditorium, Downtown RD Public Library. Great presentations by our 3 guests.
July 17th 9am We're in the Westerner Parade! Join us! See the photos HERE!
July 11th 10am-4pm
30 Days of Biking Final Group Ride to Lacombe Meet at the Dawe Library.​ Perfect weather, lunch at Morrison House, what a great day!
June 1, 8, 15, 22, 29 Free Cycle Tours Downtown Library. Bring you bike, helmet & water bottle. Meet at patio, south side of library 11am - 1:30pm
June 1st to Kerry Wood Nature Centre. Weather was perfect!
June 8th Waskasoo Trail to Red Deer Farmer's Market. Weather held up and explored some nature along the way.
June 15th to the Dawe Community Bike Fair & Repair Cafe. Lots happening at the Dawe!
June 22nd to Heritage Ranch.
June 29th to Discovery Canyon
Last guided ride!
June 5th 3-7pm
Clean Air Day Event at Kerry Wood Nature Center. There will be a Bike Tune-up Clinic and a Guided Ride to Mackenzie Trails.
What a fun time we had!
Click here for photos.
June 3rd World Bike Day ReThink Red Deer & Climate Leadership Lab brings you Ed Talks - Gary Millard, President of Bike Calgary, will speak on Bicycling? What's Not to Love -
7-8:30pm in the Snell Auditorium at the Downtown Public Library. What a great evening with great insight regarding how to make cycling safer. Click here to see the photos.
June 2-8th National Commuter Challenge. Not to late to sign up and put in last weeks CO2 reducing activities! Click here.
The first week of June is Canadian Environment Week!
May 31st-June 16th Sign up for ParticipACTION's Community Better Challenge and Red Deer could become Canada's Most Active Community winning $150,000 toward physical activity initiatives!
May 22nd Central AB Regional Trails Society (C.A.R.T.S.) AGM Click HERE for more info. Let's link our communities!​​
May 7th Edmonton & 8th Calgary Bike 2019 Conference​
April 21st Eggstravaganza at the Kerry Wood Nature Center 1-4pm. Great fun, new members and prizes won!
April 6th 11am-4pm- Volunteer Fair at Parkland Mall - Lots of great connections made and a few volunteer sign ups for Cyclovia 2019!
April 1-30th
NEXT UP: Group ride 11th at 10am Meet at the Dawe Library RSVP Tatiana at tilly@rdpl.org by July 4th
February 15th- March 3rd Canada Winter Games in Red Deer! It was COLD! But we did it!
February 8th Commit to International Winter Bike to Work Day! Results! Winnipeg came 6th! Calgary 10th! Edmonton 15th! Whitehorse 32nd! Lethbridge 68th! Saskatoon 118th! Banff 135th! Regina 180th! Lots of very wintery days!
Way back in 2014
June 1-7th
Check the RESULTS! We came in 3rd for our city size! Right behind Victoria!
Thanks to everyone who participated! See you next year!
Freedom Ride 2014 for Magdalene House
July 26-27, 2014 A two hundred km. bike ride from Sylvan Lake to Caroline with an overnight stop at Sanctum Retreat Center. Nineteen cyclists braved a two hundred km bicycle ride and raised approximately $15,000. A huge thanks to all our cyclists and their sponsors for making this year so successful. See you in 2015!
August 16, 2014 Saturday
Cycled 25, 50 or 100km in beautiful Central Alberta! They support safe cycling! A great turnout this year! Over $23K raised for Central AB Mental Health Association!
September 2-7th
Volunteers needed! The most needed position is the role of Course Marshal, which is crucial for ensuring safety of cyclists and spectators along the route. Other positions are still available, including Volunteer Coordinators at the check-in, individuals interested in festival activations, and hospitality area hosts. Depending on applicants’ interests, there are opportunities to fill other roles, including media operations and television production runners. Interested applicants can register and find more information at
Entering Red Deer on Thursday the 4th!
5th Annual RDABC Bike Parade!
September 13, 2014
Show your support for safe cycling in Red Deer!
Meet at 10:00am at the
Cultural Services Centre
3827-39th Street.
We had a great ride down Spruce Drive and ended at City Hall for a rally with our Prez, Greg Neiman!
Many new people became members!
AB Bicycle Commuters Conference!
At the Kerry Wood Nature Centre